Cold War Computing

Retrocomputing Blog

November 2021 Timex/Sinclair Online User Group Meeting

The Timex/Sinclair Online User Group met online for a couple of hours on Monday, November 21, 2021 and got to know each other a little bit as well as find out some of what’s going on in the modern Timex/Sinclair universe.

The Timex/Sinclair Online User Group meeting is an online event held by the Timex/Sinclair Place Facebook group, a group of people interested in all things Timex/Sinclair. The Timex/Sinclair 1000 and 2068 were 8-bit, Z80-based computers produced in the early-to-mid 1980s and were the American versions of the Sinclair ZX81 and ZX Spectrum home computers popular in Europe. Although largely incompatible with the ZX Spectrum from a software perspective, the family resemblance is nonetheless quite evident.

This was the second online meeting of the Timex/Sinclair Online User Group, with more planned for the future. The featured speakers this time around were Stewart Newfeld of Zebra Systems, who discussed composite video adapters and keyboard replacements he’s made available, and Jeff Burrell, who discussed his current video project.

A timeline index to the discussion topics is available in the comments for the video.

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